Make sure that you spend time on things that give you a lot of return. Don't spend time on things that give you little in return. Picking up a new skill can change your life totally. If you just try and improve your life by 1% every day, the effect over many years is extreme, is massive. Every day, try and just learn something new.
That you're not too young, you're not too old, to do something. Before we even get started, I want to emphasize that you need to believe in yourself. You need to believe that you can change your life in 2023. You need to believe that you have the ability and the capability to do this.
You need to ignore the haters. You need to ignore the people that have told you, at school or at other times in your life, that you can't do it. You need to get your mind in the right place and believe in yourself. And I'm telling you, you can. If I can do it, you can do it. I can't tell you the number of people that have told me during my life, or over the years of my life, "David you're an idiot.