HOW TO PREPARE COCONUT RICE- You should save this recipe. [Nigerian Food]
Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog today we are making coconut rice let me tell you this is the best coconut rice you will ever make and that's on a period. Okay, so you want to start by cracking your coconut open with a blunt object a hammer is best and then pry out the meat.
Now coconut can be a game of chance at least for me you can buy three and two are bad I know there are ways to determine which is bad and good but I have not mastered that. So most of the time I'll always buy one bad one so what I like to do is buy excess just in case I find any bad ones that way I still have enough to make my food so you want to cut it into pieces like this transfer into a blender and blend until it is smooth, you want to blend with warm water so you can get all the milk out. Clothes to catch the shaft and just press out the juice I started by using a tongue and then at the point I just fling it away and use my hand because that way you can get all the milk out just make sure your hands are clean and you are good
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Now your milk is ready, set this aside now you going to prepare the pepper you will use yellow peppers Scotch bonnet pepper some paprika prepare also known as chamber onion, and also added um, one red bell pepper.
So now take out the stock from the pepper and the seed from the paprika pepper, this pepper is a little bit hot too, so you want to be careful and then chop this up roughly with the mini chopper.
So once you get it into a rough texture then it is ready you can do this with a blender as well just use the pulse setting. Next, you going to grate some garlic and ginger as well and set aside.
So now start cooking properly;
In a pan, you are going to add some coconut oil you can use vegetable oil but then the coconut oil will just help intensify that coconut flavor since we're making coconut rice.
Once it is heated up fry the garlic and ginger for about 30 seconds and then I'll go in with cleaning of catfish to clean the fish soaked it in hot water for about five minutes and then scrub the pack with the hard part of the sponge that took out the bone. Stir this around for about a minute and then go in with the roughly Blended Peppers ( the reason why we added the catfish on time is that this catfish is quite hard it needs to release all its beautiful almond flavor into the oil.
At this point, you are going to season it, and to harden, use some thyme seasoning cubes and some bay leaf that's all. No Curry now stir this around and allow to fry for about five minutes until it is reduced
Now while you're waiting for this to fry you want to go ahead and parboil your rice or wash your rice-soaked rice with hot water and salt for about seven minutes then go in to wash it with salt onto the water around clear so that we have a reasonable amount of starch that went out add the rice into the base now and stir fry for about five minutes to give it a bit of texture
At this time you go in with your coconut milk please please you can try to use freshly made coconut milk the store-bought ones don't do it for me they don't come out to be very strong I mean in taste so once you add this you want the liquid and the pot to be slightly above
The rice is okay so stir this in the cover and let it simmer gently on medium Heat this is also a good time to taste and adjust with salt or seasoning if necessary.
Bring out your frozen chicken and wash, cut, and transfer into the air fryer marinated with some Sia pepper some paprika white pepper black pepper onion powder seasoning kale garlic ginger, and just let this do its thing the manual should tell you what setting to set your chicken thighs your fish depending on what air fryer you have so while that is going, go back again to check on your rice this was about 12-15 minutes later give this a gentle stir at this time your rice was still come to come out hard if you didn't add some more liquid.
Now you know originally coconut rice comes out to be kind of mushy, but we are not going for that texture but wanted it to be soft so add some more water you can add more water or more coconut milk, and then add a bit more seasoning. Stir it in and then cover for it to do it thinly with foil paper now the foil paper here is going to help trap the steam in there which is going to completely cook our rice.
After a few minutes check on the chicken and flip it around so that the other side can cook as well.
A few minutes after, check on the rice, and as soon as you open that pot the aroma was hmm oh my God your family will love it. So good you can almost taste it just by perceiving it so you are going to finish off with some scallions, stir this in as long as you add the green onion you just want to um take it off the heat you don't want to cook the spring onion and our coconut
Your coconut rice is ready to serve and enjoy with orange juice Fanta oh I love it with crush or anything you prefer it with thank you so much for reading see you in my next one.